Social Security

This page was last updated on: 2023-05-21

Pension Rights

National Social Security Fund Act, 1985 provides for old age benefit to a worker who has attained the age of 55 years. An early retirement benefit can also be claimed at the age of 50 years. For different benefits under the Social Security Act, a worker contributes 5% of his gross monthly earnings while an employer contributes 10% of a worker's gross monthly earnings. A lump sum of total employer & employee contributions plus interest is paid.

Source: § 20 of the National Security Act 1985; ISSA Country Profile Uganda, 2017

Dependents' / Survivors' Benefit

National Social Security Fund Act provides survivor benefit to dependents including surviving spouse, dependent children, parents and brothers, grandparents or next-of-kin and the person who had paid for the funeral. A lump sum of total employee and employer contributions plus interest is paid to the dependents as survivors' benefit if an insured worker dies before retirement.

Source: §24 of the National Security Act 1985; ISSA Country Profile Uganda, 2017

Invalidity Benefit

National Social Security Fund Act provides for invalidity benefit in the case of occupational accident resulting into permanent total invalidity for any work that he or she was able to perform before the disability began or permanent partial invalidity that prevents the worker from earning a reasonable living. A lump sum of total employee and employer contributions plus interest is paid in the case of permanent disability.

Source: §22 of the National Security Act 1985; ISSA Country Profile Uganda, 2017

Regulations on Social Security

  • Employment and Labour Relations Act, 2004